




楼主: 2ma31551

[职业生涯] 关帖

发表于 2008-8-18 18:57 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 2ma31551 于 2008-8-18 14:21 发表

上星期五我把写完的报告交给老板了,他是我的BETREUER,要在交给教授之前看一遍,结果就非常的可 ...

勉强改了几句 实在改不下去了 完全没有语法和用词啊
With the objective of the European Union, the share of biofuels in the market to increase the use of biodiesel and biodiesel blends more and more important.
Under the goals/XXXX of the European Union the usage of biofuels in the market will get more and more important.

Of great interest are those of diesel fuel differing characteristics of biodiesel and biodiesel blends as well as the technical adjustments to the engine and exhaust after treatment systems.

At very big interest some characteristics in biodiesel and biodiesel, which are differ from that in  diesel fuel,  gets as well as that in  some technical areas ' experiment such as the engine and exhaust...XXXXX.

As part of this work insight on current investigations on the use of biodiesel fuel be given. The main mission of the Raw behaviour and Auswirke to exhaust after treatment in the use of biodiesel blends.

As one part of this work we will give some result on above mentioned investigations by the usage of biodiesel fuel. The main task of the Raw(original?....) behaviour and Auswirke to exhaust after treatment in the use of biodiesel blends.

MM的英文真的实在差啊.....你最好把中文意思给大家 我都猜不出来了...:( 不好意思

The investigations were carried out influences of biodiesel share of the soot emission, the NOx Rohe Mission and the Zündverhalten from active regenerienden exhaust after treatment systems must be established. A higher proportion of biodiesel will tend to increase the NOx raw emissions and consumption while the PM emissions. The states of ATS require the influence of biodiesel additional share. The ignition of new ATS is significantly lower than those for aged ATS. The work shown in the results, it is possible to control devices by the self-recognition of the getankten to biodiesel blends.
Where specific fuel-engine optimization and after. Development of after-treatment technologies for the use of biodiesel and biodiesel blends, according to current knowledge, no exhaust emission substantially worse behaviour of biodiesel or biodiesel blends in comparison to conventional diesel fuel to be expected
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2008-8-18 18:59 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-18 18:59 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2008-8-18 19:03 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 2ma31551 于 2008-8-18 19:21 发表


Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2008-8-18 19:05 | 显示全部楼层
The investigations were carried out influences of biodiesel share of the soot emission, the NOx Rohe Mission and the Zündverhalten from active regenerienden exhaust after treatment systems must be established.

In order the investigations of the influences of biodiesel share of the soot emission were carried out,
the NOx Rohe Mission and the Zündverhalten from active regenerienden exhaust after treatment systems must be established.

A higher proportion of biodiesel will tend to increase the NOx raw emissions and consumption while the PM emissions.

The higher ratio of biodiesel will tend to increase the NOx raw emissions and consumption during the PM emissions.

The states of ATS require the influence of biodiesel additional share. The ignition of new ATS is significantly lower than those for aged ATS. The work shown in the results, it is possible to control devices by the self-recognition of the getankten to biodiesel blends.

The states of ATS require the influence of biodiesel additional share. The ignition of new ATS is significantly lower than those for aged ATS. This work is shown in the result, which is possible to control devices by the self-recognition of the getankten to biodiesel blends.

Where specific fuel-engine optimization and after. Development of after-treatment technologies for the use of biodiesel and biodiesel blends, according to current knowledge, no exhaust emission substantially worse behaviour of biodiesel or biodiesel blends in comparison to conventional diesel fuel to be expected


真的搞不定了啊 专业我不懂 内容我也不懂:)
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2008-8-18 19:11 | 显示全部楼层
我觉得德语写的很好啊 至少以偶的比较差的书面德语水平看 还可以
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2008-8-18 19:14 | 显示全部楼层

Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2008-8-18 19:19 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2008-8-18 19:23 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2008-8-18 19:29 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
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