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ZT Tequila and Salt

发表于 2007-6-4 19:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Tequila and Salt
# L+ P" S" p) Y* H0 |0 k3 l2 N># `4 r5 F9 j% s9 ?
>             This should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror where $ j5 }7 h: N+ l1 K" g
>one could read it every day. You may not realize it, but it's 100% true.$ t4 d! m+ G/ E
0 _- Z' S% M: l9 }) g$ M# L>             1. There are at least two people in this world that you would
: g1 Z. [! H4 G; H- u>die for.
% {" K" {  L# t% k* I; q: o: B>             2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
( v3 m. d8 F# _! J1 |0 K( j>             3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they
* f/ s! \# h& f# [' q) P>want to be just like you.
1 n; U- d: E" d4 Y* v>             4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if
* M  ~  {# o9 T2 n0 w1 ~>they don't like you.& Q& V: Y3 O9 L2 j; p; o3 P
>             5 Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to & h( O/ r4 q( x* v2 c
>sleep.& L3 S. l" A: f; t* L
>             6. You mean the world to someone.
" {+ d9 F, Y8 A7 Z! |) h* F, I. p2 \! j>             7. You are special and unique.
6 y3 h0 v* F; F>             8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.7 H* V6 c! S( \! b' L
>             9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good
1 b5 t* |  M" T>comes from it.9 {1 }, a' d/ T' N
>             10. When you think the world has turned its back on you take : y* f! j3 p  C/ D7 }8 k
>another look.
2 f# s4 r- K$ n: d7 Z. w$ H* D>             11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about
" e) Q9 h6 K) [& g# d>the rude remarks.
/ m0 M# i1 Y! a3 u  q8 w># F8 b2 Y0 q6 ?7 S
>             So...........If you are a loving friend, send this to
  x% k/ |' S; x4 I* R% G>everyone, including the one that sent it to you. If you get it back, then * b2 ~1 L3 l, u* g& W# A
>they really do love you.
! S/ ~# L+ E3 E$ \# P>; j3 o% a0 p  {6 i( x9 o9 }) v
>             And always remember....when life hands you Lemons, ask for ! J1 O: L# u4 M- v* w
>tequila and salt and call me over!1 j. e7 {6 D- O+ e: @" S3 z
>7 s- Y' W  a1 I; I0 E0 B- Q
>             Good friends are like stars........: s1 j2 B$ @, S$ T& e4 [6 D/ s
>             You don't always see them,
& N+ z$ A4 T- t9 a. ^* m+ L6 r9 l>             But you know they are always there.* J: H, q+ [$ w6 f6 T: \1 N8 l) c
>7 e) E: h' M9 w& w  s+ ^" Y
' T0 [' K' t, N1 n5 ?>             "Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even : E! c( d+ W4 l+ t
>Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway"
) `9 ~2 l1 ~9 X8 |2 J>             [Alex ]* m" D2 d7 h& i. m1 e
! }- B9 o7 X$ a* q- z$ }>             I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend
/ s- B3 b5 ^( E7 d>while I'm here than a whole truck load when I'm gone.
( X2 @) o2 U3 }>
( S- \4 J6 K( v0 K>             THESE ARE FOR YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
) ?3 {% H6 n4 a7 _>
0 k$ O5 G: i1 [$ \>3 K+ H9 m" x0 f$ h- V
>$ P! N5 m) u+ ]3 f
! }1 |8 @% v0 b- A>3 J( Z2 I; E4 F" j5 t" o- ?1 V6 j
3 B! g$ n2 `; Y$ a>
: z0 f' t! U+ n" M8 Y, O>7 U% S/ e/ y% [, f
>             ) l- `8 c' W( a" y, |: I+ W
5 A0 L3 s7 M) x  e>             Happiness keeps You Sweet,
* c- B6 Y) U$ W! y8 `1 I2 I>             Trials keep You Strong,5 B/ R& E" s0 I  ~& U
>             Sorrows keep You Human,) k7 C1 L# M( c8 \
>             Failures keeps You Humble,
+ |! {- j. b& d0 g>             Success keeps You Glowing,
% Z4 D5 u  s8 \5 N>




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发表于 2007-6-4 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
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