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发表于 2013-1-2 18:09
本帖最后由 BellaC 于 2012-5-19 02:22 编辑
首先我想说,不管好不好吃,源于天性,猫猫非常需要生肉,因为生肉里有一种营养叫taurine,一般可以从干粮的成分里看到,猫猫和狗不一样,猫需要的这种营养是直接来源于肉的,而生肉含有丰富的taurine。我猫猫一向都去猫医院看病,院长是澳大利亚的猫科权威,就连我猫猫肚子不好时,我问要不要停掉生肉,院长都说这时候更应该吃,因为生肉对他们肠胃好。还有,当猫猫嚼肉的时候,因为肉有韧劲(gravy beef就相对袋鼠肉更有韧劲),所以锻炼了猫猫的牙龈,同时帮助清理牙垢,我猫猫在吃生牛肉后牙齿没那么黄了,但只是帮助而已,全面改善牙垢还是要靠刷牙。牙龈的锻炼可以使猫猫的口腔不那么早退化,也不容易使老年后的猫猫遇上饮食障碍。一个研究调查里证实,900只连续几年吃生肉的猫猫身体越来越健康,而保持着吃熟肉的猫猫都越来越多疾病,这是一篇文章里的一段介绍那个调查的话(嘿嘿~我喜欢把看过的好文章收起来)
"Within a few short months some amazing things started to happen that propelled his feeding study; the cats that were receiving raw meat scraps instead of cooked meat were in much better overall health. In fact, the findings reached the point of being almost astonishing based on a very simple diet. The diet consisted of 1/3 raw milk, cod liver oil, and 2/3 raw meat and over that period of time included slightly over 900 cats.
However, some amazing things also happened to the cats that remained on cooked meat diets and really started to surface within a few years. Instead of showing improved overall health, they started to exhibit facial deformities that included narrowed faces, crowded jaws, as well as frail bones and weakened ligaments. They also started to exhibit as excess of parasite diseases, difficulties during pregnancy, and litters that did not survive.
As each generation of cats that were not on the raw meat diet continued, the results were even more disturbing. By the second generation these cats started loosing their coordination and developed several diseases. The third generation suffered more parasite diseases, had trouble producing at all, and also suffered severe personality changes. By the forth generation they started to die out almost completely.”
然后说到肉的选择和处理,我会非常建议吃袋鼠肉,羊肉或牛肉,牛肉的选择建议为gravy beef。一定要买整块的,然后切小块,不要买剁碎的,因为剁碎的肉营养会大量流失,而且容易长细菌。其实袋鼠肉比羊肉和牛肉更好一点,但是我猫猫疯狂于牛肉,所以我会给他们换着吃。平时对于肉的处理其实很简单,首先肯定是要新鲜的,因为我猫猫被宠坏了,所以冷藏到第二天的肉就不太喜欢。(这里我讲一个小知识,猫猫的味觉是有记忆的,当他们吃到了他们认为最好吃的东西以后,他们会以这个最好吃的东西为标准对以后吃的东西评分)其实澳洲的肉类质量都很高,处理的也很干净,所以我们给宝贝切肉的时候稍微冲一下水就好了,用冰水过一下,不要久哦,不然肉就不那么好吃了(对他们来说)。然后切小条放他们碗里。如果粑粑麻麻们还想肉更加安全的话,可以买回家先冻一下冰箱,因为冰冻有助于杀菌。但不要放急冻格了,因为太冰的话,猫猫不吃哦。
新增感言:最后我想说,希望那些没做过调查,没深入了解过的人不要轻易地发表帖子说:吃生肉不好,这是非常没有常识的说法,也是很误导人的说法,在很多国外的论坛里,喂猫猫生肉已经是被完全接纳并被认为是the best diet ever。很多人认为猫猫吃生肉肚子会长细菌,没错,但这是完全可以避免的,就是除虫,如果身为主人的你平时没为猫猫除虫,那么不好意思,只能说你是一个不负责任的主人(在这里我提醒一下,如果平时喂有热度的熟食和温水的话,猫猫肚子长虫子的几率也是很大的,那么除虫更是不可避免)。所以,“吃生肉不好”的说法已经不被这个被知识所占领的社会接纳了,请不要再以讹传讹地把这个错误思想传下去了。