
楼主 |
发表于 2019-8-14 15:33
我问了当地ihk,给我回了:If the service is provided abroad, the taxable person is from the EU and the recipient is established in China, the service is taxed at the place where the recipient is established. The German value added tax is therefore not to be shown. There is a taxable service provided in China and therefore taxable in China. Accordingly, foreign service providers or recipients not domiciled in China may be obliged to pay VAT. This also applies if they are not registered for tax in China and cannot claim any input tax deduction.
If the supplier of the service is not resident in China or otherwise registered as a taxpayer, VAT must be paid by the representative of the foreign supplier resident in China. If the foreign company does not have a local representative, the Chinese service recipient acts as a withholding agent. As such, he is obliged to withhold the relevant tax from the invoice and forward it to the tax authorities. Proof of tax payment is usually a prerequisite for the invoice amount to be paid to be transferred abroad. Whether you or your customer have to pay the tax depends on several factors. (origin: germany trade & invest)
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